Well, it was our 15 year wedding anniversary, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the weekend. We did lots of mountain biking...

We also went kayaking on Lake Casitas.
The early morning was quiet, with almost no other boats to disturb our natural splendor.
Then, Sunday morning - off to work, well really just more fun - meeting these lovely women who came to take my Image Transfer class at Artful Living! Don't they look busy?
Well, they were, learnin' up a storm. This has been one of my most popular classes for the last three years, and for good reason! You learn no less than EIGHT image transfer techniques in about two hours. I like to make sure you get your money's worth!
After class, a little time was left before needing to return to reality. Only a block away is the heart of downtown Ojai. Beautiful fountains...
and the coolest stores I have seen in a long time! Check out some of the amazing artwork at Human Arts store on Ojai Ave. I really fell in love with this one:
Don't miss the found object bowl behind the sculpture.
The faces and lizard in these sculptures actually open up into another assemblage inside! The one on the left opens up twice! If you're in Ojai, DO NOT MISS THIS STORE!!
So, what does a girl do after such a fabulous weekend? Why, package up about 10,000 gift card holders, that's what! They're showing up here tomorrow. If you don't hear from me for a week or so, you can take a guess at what I'm doing...