Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Crafty Business?

While traveling through Bloggywood (did I just make up that word? I did? I like it! What? You've heard it already? Well I haven't, and I'm taking full credit!) I found a great little article about starting a craft/art business. While it doesn't really delve deeply into the "how to" it is a good overall idea of what it takes and what your expectations should be should you decide that Living Each Day means this type of new business.

Have a good read here.


JBMolina said...

Cool article, Miss Tally.

I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I'm gonna try and call you today!

peggy gatto said...

Some good reality info re things you may have to do even if you don't want to in getting started.

KV Creative Designs said...

Thanks for that link! I can't wait to fully look through the site!
Thanks again!