I love the Venus DeMilo - well who doesn't? Her blowing hair. Her not-so-modest stance atop the half shell. Her beauty and allure will probably live on for infinity, and I believe that each one of us - our beauty and presence in the world - lives on for infinity too. On the outside of the cabinet are the words: "I am not this body, I am not this breath" and then on the inside it says: "I am infinity". Remember my "I am Infinity" piece I made at Asilomar with De Meng? I am continuing to explore this idea, and I encourage you to explore and create art over and over based on the same idea.
My new piece has the outline of Venus in the lower right corner. I just kept layering and layering until I was happy - and it took quite a few layers. Something I worked on after the sunset in New York.
I also worked on this face - and I really love it! She's dark and glamorous. So much work went into the shading - lot of white paint mixed with caran d' ache layered on top of collaged papers. Here I am using those techniques I learned at Art and Soul! Making them my own.
We were actually getting swarmed by hummingbirds, of all things. They were as crazy for the view as we were. I was admiring them.
So, there you go. Lots of eye candy to make up for weeks and weeks of no posts.
Apparently, A&S will not be hosting at Asilomar next year, but in Las Vegas. I can't believe it. I just LOVE Asilomar. It was definetely one of the big reasons I chose that venue. We'll have to see what's gonna happen for 2010.
Here's my lovely booth!
I know, the booth is simple, but I need to fit this all in ONE suitcase, my friends. That is a feat of physics all in itself.
And wouldn't you guess who was nominated for best new product of 2009 in the social stationary category? Hmm.....could it be PAPIER STUDIO? Stardom obviously awaits...
I'm ready for my close-up...
It's a good start, but I didn't win. I think you need to sponsor something to win, and there was no way I was gonna spend the money to do that. Oh well... This display was one of the first things you saw when you walked into the Javitts Center, so that made me happy, and I had lots of interesting folks visit my booth. Nothing to report yet, but this summer I'll be working very hard.
The kids won't be touching any eyeballs at home - they'll be at summer camp every day. Can you hear the "halleluyah" from your chair?
I promise next post will have pics and info about Asilomar. Yes, it was fabulous. Yes, it was beautiful. Yes, I made cool sh*t and met some cool fellow artists. I wish you had been there with me.
and implore you to revel in the gift that we all have. The gift of life on Earth, standing here, no matter what your situation is, standing here today. Breathing in and out.
And so, I leave you with another gift - the gift of five adorable boys goofing off at the Getty Villa in Malibu. I couldn't have spent a more pleasureable morning (ok, this trip was a few weeks ago...) with a cooler bunch of intelligent boys!